STARS Tour Guide on a campus tour

STARS Tour Guides play an essential role in the campus visits program by providing outstanding tours and excellent customer service to prospective students and families. The campus visit is an important component of the recruitment process and a prospective student’s experience on campus is integral to their college decision. STARS Tour Guides contribute to a welcoming and positive environment for prospective students and assist with the facilitation of campus visits. The STARS Tour Guide position is a paid opportunity.

STARS role:

  • STARS provide Daily Campus Tours and Residence Hall Tours.
  • Experience Iowa State (EIS) programs take place several times each semester. The Office of Admissions offers large open house opportunities for guests to enjoy a day long Iowa State experience. This event allows various opportunities for STARS to assist.
  • Group Visits allow STARS to participate in student panels and give tours for specific high schools, community colleges, multicultural groups, Women in Science and Engineering programs, and talent search programs.

Student leader application